Indiana’s Heartland BioWorks Awarded Approximately $51 Million Federal Implementation Grant To Propel Indiana’s Biotech Future

Jul 2, 2024

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., — Nine months after designating Indiana as a Regional Tech Hub through the Applied Research Institute’s (ARI) Heartland BioWorks hub, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) on Tuesday announced that Indiana’s hub would be receiving an approximately $51 million implementation grant.

The implementation grant was made possible by the Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs (“Tech Hubs”) program created by the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which was co-authored by Indiana’s U.S. Senator Todd Young. Out of a pool of nearly 380 applicants, ARI’s application for Heartland BioWorks was one of just 31 to win a Tech Hub designation in October 2023, allowing it to participate in the second-round competition to receive a funding award. Of the 31 designated hubs, Heartland BioWorks was one of only twelve to win implementation funding.

“This grant validates Governor Holcomb’s vision for creating an economy of the future, and confirms what our ecosystem has known for a long time—that Indiana is a global pioneer in biotech production,” said ARI CEO Dave Roberts. “Heartland BioWorks is securing America’s biotech future, and this funding will provide critical support to accelerate workforce development and remove barriers for entrepreneurs bringing new biotech products to market.”

The award, the exact amount of which will be finalized in coming months, will be leveraged to support projects that are:

  • Attracting and connecting workers, including those historically excluded from the innovation workforce, to good jobs;
  • Establishing a formal network to provide navigation resources, mentorship, and greater access to facilities and venture capital funding to help innovators successfully scale and launch their bioproducts in the region;
  • Constructing BioWorks HQ, a hands-on biomanufacturing training facility for diverse participants to effectively enter the workforce and for current employees to upskill—and for innovators to test and demonstrate their biotech innovations;
  • Implementing a grant program to help early-stage innovators surmount cost barriers to accessing these product development facilities, keeping biotech inventions and supply in the U.S.; and
  • Developing training pathways, leveraging curricula from Indiana’s higher education institutions and other globally recognized training programs to prepare participants for high-quality jobs in biomanufacturing operator and lab technician roles once the BioWorks HQ is constructed.

Heartland BioWorks, a consortium led by ARI, brings together key stakeholders from industry, academia, government, and nonprofit sectors to ensure that bioproducts invented in America are also made in the US. Members include major companies like Eli Lilly, Elanco, Corteva, INCOG, and Roche, as well as academic institutions such as Indiana University, Purdue University, the University of Notre Dame, and Ivy Tech Community College. Centered in the Indianapolis metropolitan area, Heartland BioWorks will leverage Indiana’s unparalleled collection of resources and capabilities to secure the nation’s biomanufacturing future

For more information about Heartland BioWorks, please visit

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Stakeholder & Member Quotes:

  • “When I worked to enact the CHIPS and Science Act two years ago, I knew Indiana was well-positioned to seize on the law’s historic opportunities to lead our country on technology areas important to global competitiveness,” Young said in a news release. “That potential continues to become a reality for Hoosiers. Today Heartland BioWorks was one of only 12 Tech Hubs across the country to receive a funding award. From leveraging existing resources and expertise in Indiana on life sciences and manufacturing to constructing a new headquarters for workforce training to helping early-stage innovative companies bridge the ‘valley of death’, Heartland BioWorks is going to solidify Indiana’s place on the global map as the preeminent location for biotech innovation and manufacturing.” – U.S. Senator Todd Young
  • “Indiana’s new Tech Hub designation has opened our state up to a next level of opportunities,” said Gov. Eric Holcomb. “Now that we have been awarded nearly $51 million to support the implementation, it’s full steam ahead in workforce development and building the specific talent pipelines to support the exact type of innovative business growth and entrepreneurship we want.”
  • “Indiana’s designation as a regional tech hub for biotechnology and biomanufacturing is a significant step forward for our robust and diverse life sciences sector. Thanks to the innovative and collaborative work being led by Heartland BioWorks, we’ve unlocked approximately $51 million in federal funding that will further bolster our efforts to solidify Indiana as a global destination for developing and producing life-changing solutions. This funding will better arm public and private industry leaders with the tools needed to innovate new technologies, launch new businesses and train tomorrow’s biomanufacturing leaders, generating significant growth for the state’s economy while solving 21st century challenges for people around the world.” – David Rosenberg, Indiana Secretary of Commerce
  • “As the state’s flagship university, IU is deeply committed to elevating the great state of Indiana,” said IU President Pamela Whitten. “Serving as a partner in the Heartland BioWorks Hub enables us to meet this goal by contributing our expertise and resources to support the growth of the biotech sector and the development of talent pipelines. We are proud to be part of a vibrant community that fosters collaboration, entrepreneurship, and economic growth, and we look forward to seeing the impact of this funding on our state and region.”
  • “Through our outstanding faculty and students in One Health, Purdue University is excited to be part of the winning team in this critical national competition. Along with the Microelectronic Commons Hub and Hydrogen Hub wins, the BioWork Regional Tech Hub is another important dimension of ARI and partners like Purdue executing for the success of the CHIPS Act for our state and our country.” – Mung Chiang, Purdue University President
  • “Indiana is the nation’s leader in pharmaceutical exports and is poised to extend this leadership, given its robust ecosystem of leading biomanufacturers and educational institutions. This grant will catalyze Indiana’s ability to provide the skilled, diverse biomanufacturing workforce this country needs to make critical medicines for patients.” – Vince Wong, President & CEO of BioCrossroads
  • “This catalytic investment will fuel Indiana’s economy by accelerating biotechnology in Central Indiana, creating a ripple effect throughout the whole state,” said José Padilla, president of Valparaiso University. “Equitable biotech workforce training and commercialization is essential, and we are proud to continue our support and involvement in this effort.”
  • “Today’s announcement is a testament to the collaboration and forward-thinking of Indiana’s innovation ecosystem,” said Emily Krueger, president & CEO of 16 Tech Community Corporation, the non-profit manager of the 16 Tech Innovation District located in downtown Indianapolis. “16 Tech is proud to collaborate with the Heartland Bio Works to accelerate our state’s economic impact and to grow our biotech industry and workforce.”
  • “Evonik is proud to be part of the Heartland BioWorks consortium that was awarded the implementation grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s Regional Technology and Innovation Hub program. We encourage and actively participate in BioWorks’ efforts to develop the future workforce for the biomanufacturing sector, support biotech startups, and modernize biopharma manufacturing.” – Daniel Fricker, Site Manager, Evonik Tippecanoe Laboratories
  • “Heartland BioWorks’s new grant is exciting news for Indiana and the Midwest writ large. Every dollar will go toward establishing our region as a national and international leader in biotechnology and biomanufacturing. The University of Notre Dame could not be more proud to join together with the esteemed research institutions and industry partners helping to build an unparalleled innovation ecosystem and talent pipeline here in our state. We are especially pleased that through Heartland BioWorks, Notre Dame is able to contribute its expertise in data, bioengineering, and the life sciences while also driving economic and workforce development throughout the Midwest.” – Jeffrey F. Rhoads, Vice President for Research, University of Notre Dame
  • “As one of only 12 Tech Hubs selected nationally for implementation funding, the future Heartland Bioworks HQ at the 16 Tech Innovation District in Indianapolis is proof once again that we are positioned to make a profound impact not just on the future economic growth of the Midwest, but also on the competitiveness of our country on the global stage. This $51 million federal Tech Hub funding award recognizes what I have long known about Indianapolis and Central Indiana – we drive innovation in unique and impactful ways that keep our state’s economic engine thriving.” – Joe Hogsett, Mayor, City of Indianapolis
  • “The Governor’s Workforce Cabinet congratulates Heartland BioWorks – Indiana’s Tech Hub consortium – on its receipt of a $51 million implementation grant from EDA. This award recognizes Indiana’s ability to advance the nation’s biotech future, while creating more high-wage jobs and economic prosperity for Hoosiers. The Governor’s Workforce Cabinet recognizes ARI for its leadership, and thanks Senator Todd Young for his vision in creating the CHIPS and Science Act.” – Whitney Ertel, Executive Director, Governor’s Workforce Cabinet
  • “Indiana is now a global leader in biotechnology innovation and production thanks to the foresight and dedication of the Heartland BioWorks consortium and the Applied Research Institute. As federal, state and private investments create thousands of high-wage, high-skill bioscience jobs, Ivy Tech and its higher education partners stand ready to prepare Hoosiers for this exciting new era of biotech manufacturing leadership.” – Dr. Sue Ellspermann, President, Ivy Tech Community College

About Applied Research Institute

Applied Research Institute (ARI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit leader in technology innovation and strategy. As a neutral, third-party innovation ecosystem orchestrator, ARI collaborates with cross-sectional partners from state and federal government, industry, and academia across a wide spectrum of technology focus areas. Learn more at

Media Contact:

Caleb Bonham, Marketing Director for ARI